Blue Line Industries


Our catalyst products are used in various chemical processes. These are commonly used in the production of methanol and ammonia. Here both the ammonia and methanol synthesis would take the advantage of being a great water-gas shift reaction and heterogeneous catalysis.

At Blue Line Chemicals, Catalyst would be used for industrial manufacturing procedures of industrial manufacturing processes for plastic and other essential items. Additionally, our catalysts are also the key to unlocking biofuels. All biomass—corn, switchgrass, trees—contains a tough compound called cellulose, which has to be broken down to make fuel. Finding the perfect catalyst to disintegrate cellulose would make biofuels cheaper and more viable as a renewable energy source.

Usage of Catalyst For Bulk chemicals

Some of the large scale chemicals are manufactured through catalytic oxidation where oxygen is used. Some of the major examples are nitric acid, sulfuric acid, terephthalic acid from p-xylene, acrylic acid from propylene or propane and acrylonitrile from propane and ammonia.

Using our catalyst many other chemical products are generated by large-scale reduction, often via hydrogenation. The largest-scale example is ammonia, which is prepared via the Haber process from nitrogen. Methanol is prepared from carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide.

Making Fine Chemicals With Catalyst

Many fine chemicals are manufactured through catalysis. This method consist of those heavy industry as well as more specialized processes that would be prohibitively expensive on a large scale. Some of the major examples consist of Heck reaction, and Friedel–Crafts reactions. Because most bioactive compounds are chiral, many pharmaceuticals are produced by enantioselective catalysis. (R)-1,2-Propandiol, precursor to the antibacterial levofloxacin, can be efficiently synthesized from hydroxyacetone using Noyori asymmetric hydrogenation:[28]

Usage At Food Processing Units

The major obvious applications of catalysis is the hydrogenation (reaction with hydrogen gas) of fats through the usage of nickel catalyst to produce margarine. Many other foodstuffs are prepared via biocatalysi.


Products by Application

Water Treatment



Food Industry