Blue Line Industries

Ferric Chloride

A colorless solution that has a faint odor that is used for water purification, treatment of sewage, industrial waste, an agent for circuit boards, and in the manufacture of other chemicals. It is considered highly corrosive to metals and to tissues. When combined with other products the result could give a different end result which is used for other purposes. 

At our factory, we develop the product with the core intention of using the product for human consumption and for industrial purposes. Even though it is considered a harmful chemical and not for direct consumption, the use of the product does have its significance.

Primary Usage Of Our Ferric Chloride

The major usage of our ferric chloride would be to get rid of impurities present in the water and even for wastewater treatment. Our ferric chloride is also one of the few water treatment chemicals that can sequester odors. 

Smaller volumes of our higher-grade ferric chloride are used as a catalyst in chemical reactions and as an etchant in microelectronics, production (printed circuit boards.  Now when it is related to making drinking water germ-free, certain disinfecting chlorine compounds, including chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite, are public health champions. 

But there is another chlorine compound that deserves recognition for its role in helping make water clean and clear. That compound is the ferric chloride produced by us.

When first piped from reservoirs, lakes, and rivers, water is not only full of germs but also full of impurities like leaves, dirt, insects, animal droppings, you name it. 

As you can imagine, water makes a very important detour in its path from the reservoir to your residence. That detour is to the water treatment plant. There it undergoes processes that remove the impurities and destroy disease-causing germs, turning germ- and impurities filled water into safe, clean drinking water. All this is done using our ferric chloride.

Basic Facts About Our Ferric Chloride

Even after large pieces of debris are removed using filters, natural surface water still may be full of tiny particles that are too small to sink. These simply float through the water, giving the water a cloudy appearance. Adding ferric chloride to a tank of brown, cloudy water causes tiny pieces of elements would come together. Eventually, the clumps grow large enough to sink down to the bottom of the tank, clearing the water above.

Iron scraps

Ferrous chloride is obtained by contact of ferric chloride with an iron into a dissolution vessel, according to the following reaction:

Fe + 2 FeCl3 = 3 FeCl2

The ferrous chloride solution resulting from iron dissolution is then filtered and oxidized to ferric chloride in the chlorination section by chlorine gas, according to the following reaction:

3 FeCl2 + 1.5 Cl2 = 3 FeCl3

Two third of the ferric chloride solution are recycled back to the dissolution vessel and one third is discharged as a product.


Products by Application

Water Treatment



Food Industry